
Never set this picture as wallpaper!!

  As many people reported that their android device is stopped working after use this image as wallpaper. after search about it and I got some awesome information about the android device. let's start. right now android supports 1440 X 2560 screen resolution. when see the original photo i saw its a ProPhoto RGB is this the  problem ?  Let's find out this is the colors scale that human see android device under stands sRGB color scale. like this, not only android there are tons of hardware supports this range of colors. there are another color scale we have like adobe RGB as you see here it covers larger color then sRGB. and now comes pro photoRGB so prophoto rgb is the problem lets see google use convert prophoto RGB or adobe RGB to srgb by luminance effect so the luminance of pixel is calculated by this formula 0.2126 X (RED)+0.7152 X (GREEN)+0.0722 X (BLUE) =255(MAX) in case of pro photo rgb lets see a pixel calculation. 0.2126 X (255)+0.7152 X (255)+0.0722 X (243) 54.213+182.

Add SSL Certificate in Android using Volley

  🏁 Intro In this post, I’m going to explain how to add certificates to our Android app when we have a file  .crt  , and of course, it will include a brief explanation of what the file is. So after reading this tutorial we’re going to be familiarized with: 🤔 What the hell is the  .crt  files. 😎 How to add certificates to my app. This tutorial is going to be based on a project using  Volley  to make calls to an API, but you can always adapt it for your specific case. 📄 Let’s talk about the certificates 📇 CA's A  certificate authority (CA)  is a company or organization that acts to validate the identities of entities (such as websites, email addresses, companies, or individual persons) and bind them to cryptographic keys through the issuance of electronic documents known as  digital certificates . So basically the CAs give us a way to  authenticate ourselves  by serving as credentials to validate our identity,  encrypt  our data for secure communication over insecure networks su

Export & Download — SSL Certificate from URL for android and other use

  You can export the SSL certificate from the URL below methods. Google Chrome Export the SSL certificate of a website using Google Chrome: 1.Click the  Secure  button (a padlock) in an address bar. 2. Click the  Certificate(Valid) . 3. Go to the  Details  tab 4.Click the  Copy to File…  button 5.Click the  Next  button. 6.Select the “Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER)” format and click the  Next  button. 7.Specify the name of the file you want to save the SSL certificate to 8.Click the  Next  and the  Finish  buttons Mozilla Firefox Export the SSL certificate of a website using Mozilla Firefox: 1.Click the  Site Identity  button (a padlock) in an address bar. 2.Clic k  the  Show connection details  arrow 3.Click the  More Information  button 4.Click the  View Certificate  button 5.Go to the  Details  tab 6.Click the  Export  button 7.Specify the name of the file you want to save the SSL certificate too, keep the “X.509 Certificate (PEM)” format and click the  Save  button Internet Explorer

how to convert URI to File Android 10 and above

    how to convert URI to File Android 10 and above how to get file object from URI OR convert URI to file object in android 10 and above versions. some libraries are required File Objects for a process like a retrofit, some image editor e.t.c. to convert URI to file object or anything similar we have a way which is  to support all android old versions and upcoming versions. Step 1: you have to create a new file inside FilesDir which is nonreadable to other Apps with the same name as our file and extension. Step 2: you have to copy the content of the URI to create a file by using InputStream. After these two steps it will return your File object File f = getFile( getApplicationContext (), uri) ; For example  This method provide you file object and it supports all available andoid versions and upcomming version too public static File getFile (Context context, Uri uri) throws IOException { File destinationFilename = new File(context.getFilesDir().getPath() + File.separatorChar